Choosing to Die Daily

April 12, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Choosing to die, daily, of the things that I want is extremely difficult for me. In our culture of "it's mine and I want it now" the problem starts with making sure what I want is in line with what God wants. The natural state that I was born in creates a desire for things of this world because it is sinful in itself. Being born in this body with these thoughts, will and emotions, brings me to a common place of sin. It makes me wonder how even with the Holy Spirit inside of me, can I ever walk consistently in righteousness (Romans 3:9-19).

God lived here on earth as a human, born into flesh & blood, just like you and me. He walked a perfect path in life being loved and hated, befriended and betrayed, living in joy and pain, being happy and sad. All the things we deal with daily were no different from his experiences except in one area. He constantly kept the Father's will as his number one priority. Jesus died on the cross against the will of his physical nature but in surrender to the spirit of God which lived within Him (John 12:27-28). Jesus desired to please God more than he desired to follow his physical emotions, will, and thoughts. It is that very same spirit that lives within anyone who has accepted Jesus, as LORD and savior. That means we have the means and power to do the same (Ephesians 1:13-14).

Earlier this week, I heard a minister say that submission is a two step process. It starts with surrender and then goes to commitment. We often say we are in submission but the first part of submission means surrendering, giving up what we choose. When you surrender, you let go of your own choices and accept whatever the other party desires.

After surrendering, the next step is to commit. Commit to what? If I am in submission to someone then I've committed to following their way and not my own. That is the key. Surrendering puts me in a place to accept their will and committing should make that acceptance a long-term deal. True commitment is lasting because that is the very definition of the word. If I am not altering my choices to stay on course then I am no longer committed; therefore, I am not... no, I was never in submission.

If our thoughts or actions are measured and found "lacking" then we have been given the abundant grace to change from our old ways and refill ourselves with the fresh living water of Christ (John 7:37-39). That water is the gift of the Holy Spirit which is given to each Christian the very moment he/she believes, repents from going their own way and trusts Jesus as his absolute ruler, LORD. That water brings with it the regeneration, guidance and empowerment to walk successfully through this world's conflicts. I can make it through but only in the power of the Holy Spirit given to us by the grace of Jesus Christ.

So let's look at our lives carefully. Let's capture each moment and each thought to weigh it by the scale of the Word of God. 



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