Managing Social Media Outlets

August 19, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

There's so much social content knowledge required to keep a thriving media business going that it can be overwhelming. Crystal and I have been shooting images professionally since the early 1990's; yet, no matter how good our images are, the trends for getting them in front of the right eyes is always a big deal and a lot of work.

We've worked with many different concepts for sharing our media. We've used tools like Google+, Facebook, Hootesuite, tumblr, website blogs, Twitter, Instagram, Model Mayhem, etc. The list goes on and on. Every time one of these outlets becomes hotter than another, it's another major effort to set things up correctly, drive content, attain followers and retain viewers.

For a long time, we've not used our website's blog function because compared to tumblr, it was less convenient for updating. Through tumblr, we could share the same media to most of the major outlets but it was all the same no matter which source you went to view. No matter how simple things were we didn't want to duplicate content in both places because we have enough to do with the business, the family, worship, & mentoring. Who has time for duplicating content? We surely don't. And who wants to read the same content on every single update? I wouldn't want to see the same thing everywhere so we won't do it to you.

When it's all said and done, none of it matters though if we are not fully utilizing God's gifts in the first place so we're going to rest in the idea that if someone needs the information we have to share, it will be right here under God's plan and insight as shared with us through prayer, obedience and testimony.

He's been too good to us so we simply can't fail to share the testimonies.



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